The prices in KÁRAMA are different depending on the season choosed (low, medium, high), the accomodation (only overnight stay or breakfast included), number of people, period of the stay.
Including in the price you will have WI-FI in all the structure, use of the coffee machine with waffles in the day room, the change of bedding and towels will take place every three days, there will be daily cleening in the rooms and common spaces, bathroom kit monouse.
Booking directly from our site you will have the assurance to have the best price, an accomodation tht satisfies your needs, the possibility to have a transfert from and to ports and airports terminal.
Tourist tax: 1,20 euros each person each night, free for children 0/13 years.

Enter in KÁRAMA
Enter in KÁRAMA
Booking directly from our site you have the security of getting the best rate and accommodation that meets your needs